Friday, August 31, 2012

We Must Be Somewhere in London.

Dear Family and Friends.

This week has gone by so fast and the day has come for me to hop on a plane and take Europe on by storm.  It is a strange feeling to feel like you are waiting forever and then suddenly you don't have to wait anymore.  The time has come, and boy am I ready.  My bags are packed.  My room is clean.  And my traveling gnome is more than ready to make this journey.

The past couple of weeks I have been begging my dad to cook my birthday meal and birthday cake, since my birthday is in October and all.  In my family, it has been a tradition where the birthday boy/girl  gets to decide what meal is cooked that evening.  It has also been a tradition for me to have my dad bake me banana cake.  Because let's be honest, it is the best cake in the entire world.  So, because I was going to be abroad in October, I decided that I would highly suggest to my dad to make me my birthday meal.  I didn't need presents or a big shabang, I just wanted some comfort food.  And comfort food is what I got.  I got the best BBQ brisket ever and probably the best banana cake he has made yet.  MMM.  I am salivating as I type.  But I must continue to tell the story.  So, for dinner, we had some rockin' good food, and not only was my family there to enjoy the deliciousness, some friends that live in the neighborhood came over and delighted their bellies with the goodness.  It was an awesome time of fellowship and good eatin'.  Man, my dad can cook.  My mom chose well.

For my last night at home, my dad had to go to an important meeting in San Antonio, so it was just us girls at home.  Our friends across the street decided that we should have a tea party, and that we did.  We have had one before, but this needed to be a proper tea party.  And let me say, it was awesome.  We brought our tea cups and saucers and we even had sweets to go with it all.  It was a great time.  Here's proof.

After the tea party, we had some more friends from the neighborhood come by and say goodbye.  We just sat and talked while I painted my nails and my mom was being crafty.

It has also been nice to be able to catch up with friends during the week via phone, skype, or whatever mode of communication that was available.  Geez, technology is awesome.

I just sit here and am so thankful for those in my life and the opportunities I have been gien.  I am excited to embark on this journey and I am just beyond blessed to have such amazing friends and family in my life.  Clapping for everyone!

As I travel to London, I can't help but think of The National's song "England".  Here is an awesome cover of the song.  It has a banjo and all.  You knew I had to plug in folk music.

Hope everyone has a splendid weekend and the next time I write, I will be in another country.  No big deal.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

7 Days and Counting.

Oh hey there.

I am just writing to update you all that I have exactly one week until I embark on a journey of a lifetime.  First stop, England!!  I will be there for a little over two weeks to hang out with my sister and then it is off to Spain for three months.  Wowza!!!

Can't describe to you the excitement and nervousness that's running through my veins.  I guess that is expected with international travel, aye?  I can tell you though, sleeping has been an adventure in itself.  I don't know if it is the nerves or me being anxious or what, but sleeping the past week or so has been intense.  It is everything from having nightmares about natural disasters and me being abducted to tossing and turning because of the uncomfortable temperature in the room.

Let's just hope that sleeping will provide more rest and less exhaustion these last few nights.  Please.

Just want to say, my family is awesome.  We have been having a blast and my dad fixed his BBQ.  So, eating has been AMAZING.  I just like them a lot.

For now, I shall bid you adieu.  Hope your Sunday is just fabulous.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Will Wait.

Hello Fellow Reader,

So, the count down is still very much under way.  I have exactly 13 days now until my Euro Adventure begins and I cannot tell you how excited I am for this crazy awesome opportunity I have to study abroad.

To begin this post, you should listen to this song by one of my all-time favorite bands.  It may express a little more of what I am going to say.

"I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons

This trip is not only going to be way fun, I honestly believe that this trip is going to be a life changing experience.  I firmly believe the Lord is going to do amazing work while I am there, and that just excites me to no end.  Until then, I Will Wait.

But to be real honest with you, I am so giddy that I just can't wait to get going.  As part of our program, we are going to be working with missionaries in the area to help us get plugged into a local church and join a ministry of some sort.  It is going to be great to not only go to school but to get involved in a church there.  So, I see it as a win-win situation really.  School and ministry in Europe?  Yeah.  Definitely a win-win.

But for now, I am going to begin to organize and pack for my European Adventure.  Well let's be real, without my sisters and parents pushing me to organize, it wouldn't get done until the night before or morning of my departure.  We all know that I tend to procrastinate, so here I am, trying to get ahead of the game.

That's all for now.  Have a great Sunday, friend.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We Grow Older Still.

Hey All,

Before I begin, please open this video and begin listening to this song.  It is the song of the summer for me.  Well let's be honest, the song of the year.  It will just set the mood for this post.  Y'know?

"Old Pine" by Ben Howard

Now to begin.  It has been a long time since I have written last, but as I am getting ready for my next international adventure, I thought I would share with you the summer that is catapulting me overseas this coming fall.

As I begin to think about this summer and how it has shaped up, I realize it started off in the spirit of the unknown and full of unanswered questions.  I feel like that is a common feeling amongst college students, and although the feeling can be disconcerting, I knew that this summer was going to be special.  Whatever it may be.

And special it was (and continues to be).

This summer has provided not only good memories with family and friends, it also has revealed to me some personal growth that I am continually trying to mold myself into.  In simplest form, it has been a summer of emotional roller coasters, and I wouldn't take it back for a moment.  Some moments were fun and joyous while others were heart wrenching and full of sadness.  The summer is unlike any that I have experienced before and I think that is why I am so shocked with how it has played out.  It has been completely unexpected and unplanned.  That may just define adventure right there.

I sit here thinking of all the things summer has provided for me and those loved ones around me, and I am just astounded with all that I have been able to do and learn.  Here is a VERY small glimpse of what I have been able to do.

Sheesh.  What a summer.  And that isn't even half of it.

As I prepare for my European adventure, I can't help but realize this summer is shaping and molding me into the woman of God that I need to be become for the future.  Though I am human and often fail, this is the time that I must step up and be and do more.  I will grow.

This last month will be full of putting into practice all that the Lord has been teaching me this summer and to bring the spirit of hope and peace to Europe to further the Kingdom of God.  There is no better time than now.  Is there?

September 1, 2012 I will be hopping on a plane to go on yet another great adventure.  Let the countdown begin.

Until next time, enjoy the Olympics, Shark Week, and the rest of the summer wherever you are.
