Saturday, January 23, 2016

Why it is Important to Speak Life to Teens.

I have always had a passion to work with kids and teens and as I spend more and more time with them as an adult, the more I realize that less and less kids/teens are having life spoken into their lives.

They're in an environment where information is at their fingertips all hours of the day. They are completely entertained all the time which means as adults, we do not spend as much time getting to know them and pouring into their lives as we should. I sit at a restaurant and see teens eat while on their phone and communication and family bonding simply is not happening. This is just one example of many. 

There are consequences for these actions. Who is pouring into those kids lives? Social media and pop culture or loving and caring people in their lives? Most likely it is the first. We should not be shocked as to why the current generation is seen as entitled, lost, and lonely. It is becoming more and more evident that teens are crying out for connection and relationship that is authentic and genuine, and no one sees it. 

It doesn't matter if you're a parent, sibling, cousin, or just a friend,  speak life and hope into the lives of teens who are around you. Yes, it takes effort. Yes, it can be exhausting and tiring. But these kids need it so when they are faced with the evils of the world, they have the support needed to be successful.

Let's not let the culture dictate who is molding the current generation. That is our job. 

There is no better time than now to do something. 

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