Sunday, November 11, 2012

Green Pants Envy.


So, I haven't done one of these yet, so I am going to give you some general thoughts that I have been having the past couple of days.  Please, enjoy.

1)  I have green pants envy.

You're probably wondering what this really means.  I shall tell you.  It means exactly what it says.  I love green pants, and apparently so does everyone in Spain.  My friend Leah coined this term and it basically means the more I see green pants the closer I am to buying a pair.  I don't know what it is.  I just love them so much, and Spain is so stylish that it just adds that much more of a "cute factor".  Sheesh.

2) I have such a cool host mom.

My host mom's name is Puri.  She is really cool.  Even though I may not be able to have a full on conversation with her, we still understand each other pretty well.  One night when she was teaching me how to cook a Spanish tortilla, she pulled out the big coke bottle and it had a little bit left.  She asks if I want some.  Of course I say yes.  She says we should just finish it and keep it a secret from everyone else.  BAM.  Best friends.  She also made me some really cute (green) earrings.  Yeah, she's cool.

3) I don't like the rain.

I already knew this about myself, but the fact that it has been raining almost nonstop the past three weeks confirms my dislike for that form of the weather that much more.  Yes, I know that it is necessary and what not.  But still.  Rain for weeks?  Come on.

4) I miss my guitar.

I didn't realize how much I missed my guitar until I heard a song the other day and wanted to learn it on the guitar and play it.  I mean, I play my guitar everyday when I am home.  Note to self: bring some form of instrument on next international adventure.

5) I am so happy I came to Spain.

I can't tell you how many times I have to pinch myself to remind myself that this is reality.  I knew I was supposed to come here and I am so glad that I did.  It has been a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I would advise anyone who is considering study abroad to just do it.  It has been amazing.  And I'm not just saying that.

6) I feel so refreshed.

Coming here you really get to push the reset button and really just start over.  I know that I will have to return home and go back to the "real world", but I know that this refreshing feeling will also come back with me.  I am ready to conquer the next step in my life.

7) We serve an amazing God.

I can't tell you how many things have gone wrong whether it was with me or someone else I know.  It can be anything from crazy big blisters to being allergic to mosquito bites and having to go to the hospital.  In every situation, the Lord still provides and takes care of what is going on, whether we recognize it or saw it coming.  He truly does care about what we're going through and isn't going to leave us hanging.  I love that.  Man, what a cool Guy.  With that said, it is a two way street.  Just sayin'.

8) I am so excited for Christmas.

Yes, I am one of those people who listen to Christmas music way before Thanksgiving and I don't care who knows it.  To each their own.  I do what I want, yo.  But seriously, Christmas lights are beginning to go up around the city and the nativity scene stores are comin' out.  I am so extremely pumped.  Can you tell me you're not excited for hot cocoa, monkey bread, Christmas music, candy canes, family, and parties?  Seriously.  Also, all of you who can buy gingerbread oreos, go buy them right now and eat them in my honor.  Please.  Then write me a message telling me how great they are.  I'm being serious.

9) The Civil Wars broke up.

I still can't get over it.  I'm sorry.  I am sad.  Therefore, I need to vent.

10) I have the best family.

I mean, I know that everyone says that.  But I'm sorry to tell you that you are wrong.  I'm sorry.  But seriously, my family is the coolest.

Until next time I come up with something, hasta luego.

Love Always,


  1. Please buy green pants. I freaking love them. Also, I cried about the civil wars. Is that bad?
    So glad to see you're having a good time!
