Friday, October 5, 2012

I Sea You.

Well hello there.  So glad you are here reading this blog.

But in all seriousness, I do appreciate you taking the time to read about my adventures here in Europe.  It means a lot.

Now I shall share with you some news.  Brilliant.

This week has been a crazy week of classes and I've been trying to get into the rhythm of a consistent routine and not stay continually scatter brained and exhausted.  The whole staying out late and not taking siestas is really kicking my butt.  Seriously.  But all-in-all, I am really enjoying my classes and professors.   It is a great atmosphere here.

Today we all went to Malaga which is a beach town on the Mediterranean that is still in Andalusia.  It was awesome!  Perfect day to go to the beach.  It is also the birthplace of the one and only Pablo Picasso, no big deal.  We left early this morning, caught the bus, and were on our way to another adventure.

We started the day off with going to the Pablo Picasso Museum where we were able to see some of his works in an old palace that has been converted into a museum.  It was awesome!!!  Also, while they were turning the old palace into a museum, they discovered some ruins underneath the building.  No big deal.  Some of the things they were finding under the palace dated way back to the 6th century.  They now have it open as an archeological exhibit.  I wasn't able to take pictures inside the museum but here are the ones I was able to capture.

My Ticket.

The Entrance to the Museum.

After the museum, we walked around Malaga to see more of the beautiful city.  It is cool because the city has ruins all underneath the floors and they are continually (even to this day) finding these beautiful landmarks.  We were able to see a 200 b.c. Roman amphitheater.  It was so crazy to see!  Here are some photos.

Part of the Roman Ruins.

Me in front of the Roman ruins.

After we walked around town a little bit, we were then able to see the Cathedral of Malaga and tour the inside.  Oh my word, it is absolutely gorgeous.  Little known fact about the Cathedral, which is also called "La Manquita" (One-Armed Lady), it only has one tower.  The reason for this is (or so they say) instead of building a second tower, the money was given to America for their independence.  Apparently, we owe Malaga a second tower.  But anyways.  I will let the pictures do the talking.

My Ticket.

Side of the Cathedral.

Inside of the Cathedral.

That huge canvas is made out of elephant hide

The two beautiful organs that echo the whole cathedral.

The cathedral is massive and words cannot describe how amazing it is.  I loved going and learning about it.  If you ever get a chance to go into any cathedral, please do.  It will be worth it.

After the cathedral we all had free time.  So what did I do, you ask?

I went into the Mediterranean Sea.  Yes.  You heard me right.

Malaga is right off of the Mediterranean Sea so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to say that we have been in it.  Here are some photos from that excitement!

First thing we see when we get to the sea.

I'm in it!!

That's me.

So, that basically sums up our trip to Malaga.  It was beautiful and sunny and had the most perfect weather.  I love my friends and getting to experience all of this with them has been such a blessing.  :)

Until next time.


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