Monday, September 10, 2012

Aye, Aye Matey.

Ahoy Dear Scallywags.

My life just got so much better today.  Not only am I in a beautiful country with beautiful people, I have now become a pirate.  I don't know if you know this about me or not, but when I was a wee little teenager, I was quite obsessed with the Pirates of the Caribbean.  In fact, I would watch the movies back to back when I could.  I even had the real movie poster on the back of my door.  So, today was a big day.

Adi and I drove to the coast in northern England today, and we were ust walking about the beautiful towns and low-and-behold there is a man telling us we can ride in a pirate ship and take a tour of the bay for $3 pounds.  UHHHH.  Yes please.  So, we got on and giddy as I am, they asked if we wanted to drive the boat.  And drive we did.  Here is proof.

So, there you have it.  My pirate experience.  What you should also know about Whitby is that it is the home to the one and only Mr. James Cook, who is in fact a famous sailor himself.  He was the one who "founded" New Zealand and Australia in the eyes of the English.  So it just makes the whole sailing thing that much more cool.  But that isn't all I have been up to recently.

We have also been able to see some true ruins that contain history older than our US history.  So crazy!  For example, we drove by Byland Abbey which is one of the first buildings to start this specific architectural influence in the north.  Here is a picture for ya.

We also went to go Whitby Abbey which happens to be where Bram Stoker found his inspiration for his work 'Dracula'.  Somehow I can't escape the idea of vampires.  If you're in my family, you totally understand what I mean and you're probably laughing to yourself.  If you don't know, I was born in Romania and my biological family happened to be from Transylvania, which is also where "Dracula" is from if you didn't know.  Well lucky for me, the first teeth that grew in were my vampire teeth.  Now you can be in the know.  Enjoy the castle ruins.

Northern England is so beautiful and having the opportunity to drive around is absolutely a blessing.  Here are some pictures of places and things I have been able to do.  

Just a little side note, we were walking around Whitby and we found some apartments through the street that are absolutely perfect.  See if you can tell why.

For now, I will bid you adieu but please enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are in the world.  


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