Saturday, May 14, 2011

11 Days and Counting...

Hello everyone and anyone!

So, here is an update.  I know you have all been anticipating more news, so I will withhold from you no more.

School is out and I am on the home stretch to begin this crazy summer (or winter if you are in Australia).  Most of the funds have been raised, but I am still in need of a couple hundred dollars.  If you are willing and able, I would be oh so very appreciative if you could donate.

As for my trip, I will be hopping on a plane May 25th at 7:30pm and arrive in Sydney May 27th at 6:30am.  That is one long travel time, but hey.  I asked for an adventure, so I guess that is what I am going to get, right?  I talked to one of the staff there in Sydney, and they told me to pack for cold.  There is no central heating in the house I will be living in, so I am going to get real comfortable with the cold, that's for sure.

Here is a glimpse of what I will see in approximately 11 days.  This is becoming a reality.

Sydney, Australia

Let the fun begin.  :)


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