I finally made it home to the good USofA. Although, the flight(s) back were a bit interesting, overall, I am glad I am finally able to sleep in my own giant bed.
This summer has been the best one yet and has been completely life changing in so many different ways. I was able to see God in a new light and perspective. What an amazing Lord we follow. I mean seriously. Not only does He love us to the ends of the earth, He loves every single person on the planet just as much. Now to me, that is a heck of a lot of people; close to 7 billion I believe, which means that is a heck of a lot of lovin'.
Here's the thing, we are able to see God working extensively in our own lives and in the lives of others close to us, but He does just that much work in others all around the world. I think we get so stuck in our own routine and bubble that we can forget about the massive God we serve. We are so caught up in our own relationship with God that we can almost forget the omniscient being we call Lord. And why is that? Why do we allow ourself to put God in such a small box?
This is what I have learned. God has always been, is, and always will be. Not only to me, but to the entire world. He has died for each and every person who has been, is and will be, ironic. He cares about each of us individually yet has eternity in mind at all times. He has saved us from the most horrible thing we could ever imagine by experiencing it Himself. He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our humanness so we didn't have to go through it because He loves us that much.
So, we have a model of what true love is, so the question is what do we do from here? We should take the model of love that has been shown and try to duplicate it in our own lives. We must strive to love every person on this planet just as He loves. Just think, if everyone truly strived to give others love the way Jesus loved, this world would be a completely different world. But with any change, it starts with one person and has a domino effect from there.
If we want to see change in our lives, we have to decide to be the change. We can't always expect people to come to us for solutions. We can't always expect God to just hand us the answers. We have to work for it a little bit. We must be the change if we want to see the change.
But in order for us to truly love the way Jesus loved, we must learn and spend time with God. Read His Word. Pray. Be in constant conversation with God. And once we do that, then He shows us how to love the way Jesus loved.
This summer, I was able to witness people who have allowed God to show them how to love and that's what they do. They simply love. Yes, people sin. But Jesus hung out with the sinners. He may not have loved their sins, but He still invested in them. He loved on them, and that is how they came to know Him. Being Christian means showing Christ through your life and striving to be as Christ-like as possible in your lifestyle and in everything you do.
So, that is what I am going to do. I am going to try to be the hands and feet of Jesus in everything I do. Will you join the challenge?
Thank you guys for supporting me this summer, and just know...
This isn't the end, but the beginning of a life full of adventures.
Enjoy the adventures God has you on. They are pretty rad ya know.