Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed.

Hello Family/Friends.

I finally made it home to the good USofA.  Although, the flight(s) back were a bit interesting, overall, I am glad I am finally able to sleep in my own giant bed.  

This summer has been the best one yet and has been completely life changing in so many different ways.  I was able to see God in a new light and perspective.  What an amazing Lord we follow.  I mean seriously.  Not only does He love us to the ends of the earth, He loves every single person on the planet just as much.  Now to me, that is a heck of a lot of people; close to 7 billion I believe, which means that is a heck of a lot of lovin'.

Here's the thing, we are able to see God working extensively in our own lives and in the lives of others close to us, but He does just that much work in others all around the world.   I think we get so stuck in our own routine and bubble that we can forget about the massive God we serve.  We are so caught up in our own relationship with God that we can almost forget the omniscient being we call Lord.  And why is that?  Why do we allow ourself to put God in such a small box?

This is what I have learned.  God has always been, is, and always will be.  Not only to me, but to the entire world.  He has died for each and every person who has been, is and will be, ironic.  He cares about each of us individually yet has eternity in mind at all times.  He has saved us from the most horrible thing we could ever imagine by experiencing it Himself.  He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our humanness so we didn't have to go through it because He loves us that much.

So, we have a model of what true love is, so the question is what do we do from here?  We should take the model of love that has been shown and try to duplicate it in our own lives.  We must strive to love every person on this planet just as He loves.  Just think, if everyone truly strived to give others love the way Jesus loved, this world would be a completely different world.  But with any change, it starts with one person and has a domino effect from there.

If we want to see change in our lives, we have to decide to be the change.  We can't always expect people to come to us for solutions.  We can't always expect God to just hand us the answers.  We have to work for it a little bit.  We must be the change if we want to see the change.  

But in order for us to truly love the way Jesus loved, we must learn and spend time with God.  Read His Word.  Pray.  Be in constant conversation with God.  And once we do that, then He shows us how to love the way Jesus loved.

This summer, I was able to witness people who have allowed God to show them how to love and that's what they do.  They simply love.  Yes, people sin.  But Jesus hung out with the sinners.  He may not have loved their sins, but He still invested in them.  He loved on them, and that is how they came to know Him.  Being Christian means showing Christ through your life and striving to be as Christ-like as possible in your lifestyle and in everything you do.

So, that is what I am going to do.  I am going to try to be the hands and feet of Jesus in everything I do.  Will you join the challenge?

Thank you guys for supporting me this summer, and just know...

This isn't the end, but the beginning of a life full of adventures.

Enjoy the adventures God has you on.  They are pretty rad ya know.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Coming Up To The Finish Line.

Fellow People of the World,

I have 25 hours until I hop on a plane and make the long journey back to the big state of Texas.  There's a mixture of emotions that go with this.  So, I shall express some to you since I know how interested you are.  ;)

I love the people here.  It's that simple.  So, saying goodbye to them is kind of a drag because I really don't want to say bye.  Saying bye I think is way overrated anyways.  I think I am just going to make it a "see ya soon".  Because in all honesty, there is no doubt that I am coming back soon.  No doubt in my mind.

I also love the people back home.  I haven't seen them this summer (obviously) minus the two or three Skype dates we have had over the past two months and it is going to be nice to see them.  So, hanging out and being with the people that I care about at home is going to be way too fun.

I am not too sure if I am truly ready to go home.  I miss my family/friends but I could easily spend another month here and completely be okay with it.  But ya know, reality hits in and obligations begin to pile up, so home it is.  So for now, I am going to say, "See ya bye Australia." And just know that in a short while, I will be back.

This summer has been an unforgettable one and this place and these people hold a very special place in my heart and I can't wait to see what happens in the future because of my trip here.  God has shown and taught me so much and I am just blessed beyond what I deserve.  God is way too cool for me.

Thank you everyone for supporting me this summer as I have fully enjoyed this adventure.  If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have experienced what I have.  So, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Can't wait to see everyone!  Hope you're having a great day!!  :)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jumping Whales and Floating Lanterns.

Good Lookin' Family and Friends,

My time in Fingal has been amazing and luckily it isn't over.  But I did just want to update you on life here in the land of Oz.

This past week has been full of firsts.  I tried fish eggs, skurfing (wake boarding but on a surf board), and paddling on the ocean.  And that is only the beginning of the things I have done. There are dolphins and whales that have been visiting the beach which I am not going to complain about the company.  We also have been trying to make floating lanterns which are way cool.  Who knew they actually existed?  I sure didn't. At any rate, I just have one request, don't tell my mom that I have been swimming in shark infested waters.  She might ground me for life.

The end of the summer is near and I have 5 days left in the place that I have called home for the past two months.  It is a bittersweet feeling really.  I have missed my family/friends back in the States, but I now have a new family here and I am hesitant to leave.  I just wish I could combine the two worlds, but I guess this is reality right? 

All I know is that I am going to make these last 5 days the best last 5 days ever.  I hope everyone has a great week and see you all very soon!!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Heart is Melting.

Hello Hello!

I am up the coast for the week and not only is it warm during the day, but it has completely stolen my heart all over again.  Today, I took a tour around the Gold Coast and it is simply amazing.  I am falling more and more in love with this place, and it is coming to an end soon (for now anyways).

Today, I swam in the Pacific Ocean in the dead of winter and it was warm and an absolute blast.  We all just went to the beach and kayaked, swam, paddle surfed, and boogie boarded.  It was one big hang out and it was awesome.  I kayaked in the ocean and attempted to boogie board to the best of my abilities.  Today was full of laughs and good memories.  I also got to see dolphins and whales!!!  Who knew that I loved the ocean so much?  Maybe I was born to live on the beach.  Actually, I know I was born to live on the beach.

I go home in a week and a half, and it seems as if the summer has just flown by.  I feel like I just arrived and just started to explore this beautiful country that I have been calling home for the past two months.  Man, I sure am going to miss this place.

One thing I do know, I am learning how to play the banjo when I get back.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  I am going to learn.  Simple.

I hope everyone is doing well and I will see you all very soon!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Glimpse of my Adventure.

G'day Friends and Family!

Here are a couple of pictures for you to enjoy from my adventure in Australia.  :)

Israel Houghton & Darlene Zschech at Hillsong Conference 2011

Hillsong Conference 2011

Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains

The Three Sisters (Blue Mountains)

World's Steepest Cable Car

That's Me!

I hope everyone is doing well and I will see ya soon!  :)


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Israel Houghton + Hillsong = Unreal Experience.

Hello Hello!

Here is an update for you all.  :)  Finally, right?

I went to a service at the Hillsong Church Conference this past week, and man.  It was seriously unreal.  The Hillsong band played and Priscilla Shirer spoke and it was amazing.  After that, Israel Houghton and Darlene Zschech did a worship service at night and it was a great way to end the night, let me just tell ya.  My friend and I were right in front of the stage and the energy of the people worshiping God was absolutely amazing.  Having thousands of people just worshiping is an amazing feeling really.  Ah, gives me chills just thinking about it.

Other than that, I have been at the YWAM base hanging out with the teams that are  here and what not.  Very fun stuff going on.  I went to the Blue Mountains and saw the Three Sisters and went on the world's steepest cable car.  Life here is fun and crazy, but I only have less than three weeks here, so gotta make the most of it while I can.  Adventures are stinkin' fun, seriously.

God is good and completely present and I hope that you all are getting to experience the blessings and joy in Christ the way that I am.  All of you who are doing B90, shout out!  I hope you are all getting to know God so you can make Him known to others.  That is our purpose for life ya know.  :)

Pictures are coming soon, don't fret my friends!  :)  For now, here is a song for you to enjoy.  This is what I have been listening to the past couple of weeks.  My Dad will be proud.  :)  I just might be looking to invest in a banjo or a dobro guitar.  I could be a bluegrass player or somethin'.  Oh yeah.

Love and miss everyone!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Head Over Heels.

Living the life.  I couldn’t ask for more.  Spending a few days working in churches, evangelizing, and chilling at the beach.  Seriously Gold Coast is my new favorite place.  Not even kidding.

Hope everyone is doing well!  :)


Monday, June 27, 2011

I Am In Love.

I am in love with Australia. 

I am in love with everything about it.  The people.  The culture.  The tea.  The BBQ.  The list could go on forever.  I could live here forever and be totally content with it.  I have been in the Outback for the past two weeks and it has been way too amazing.  This is the real Australia and all I can say is that it is awesome.  I spent a week and a half in Brewarrina and now I am currently in Gulargambone.  We have been hunting, making our own didgeriedoos, throwing boomerangs, had a pet kangaroo (true story), and anything else you can think of.  I just want to throw out there that I am not pansy.  Yeah.  That is a confession right there.

On a completely different note, God has been showing me a lot about who He is and what He is capable of.  He is showing me gifts not only in myself but also in others.  It is allowing me to appreciate and respect the way God has made His children, and we're all different which is so beautiful.  I love to see people who are completely and utterly in love with God.  It isn't just all talk but a complete lifestyle that they live.  It is almost radianting off of their skin it is that evident.  It is a beautiful thing to see God work and encouraging as all get out.  It encourages me to continually strive for a "die-to-self" heart.  And this is something that I need to live with everyday, all day.  Not just when I am on an amazing trip, but all the time.  God is amazing.  Truly amazing.

I wish I could write more and express all that I have experienced, but I just can't find words to describe it at the moment.  I am just in a complete peace and that is just the most amazing feeling ever.

Lovin' my time here and it is only half way over.  Boo Yah.  Hope everyone is doing well!  Miss you all!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Outback Here I Come.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Just a little update for you all, I am going to be going to the outback for the next two weeks.  Yep, it is really happening.  I am so stinkin' excited!!  I don't think I will have internet access for the next two weeks, but I will make sure that I update you all when I return.  So, don't fret my friends.

Hope everyone has a wonderful next couple of weeks, and I will chit chat it up with you all later.  :)

Here is a picture of my excited face.  Enjoy.

Peace and blessings.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tea Time.

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of writing updates on my end.  I will fill you in on the life down under.

1) I have had more tea in the last two weeks than I have in my entire life.  And everyone knows how much I love tea.  Yeah.  Big deal.

2) I have now learned that I cannot ride a longboard.  I have been trying for the past two years, but the impact was great.  And I am not talking metaphorically.

3) Tim Tam Slam is quite the game.  Also, quite the treat to indulge.  Definitely bringing some back.

4) We had a cultural night for people in the community.  Production Team presented the audience with all different cultural dances and what not.  It was called Jiriyay.  It was way cool.

5) I have made some really cool new friends.  Here is a picture.  Enjoy the seriousness.

Banahm, Lungi, Bijang, Robert, and me.

6) Vegemite, although the popular thing to eat in Aussieland, it isn't as wonderful as you think.  It definitely doesn't smell that wonderful.  No petals and fresh mountain air smelling that's for sure.

7) I also have learned I am, by no means, a professional chef.  I may spend hours and hours cooking and washing dishes, but I am in no position to own my own restaurant.  Despite the misconceptions.  Although, my drawings of each meal on the whiteboard is quite the hit.  

8) I have learned some slang here in the land of Oz.  I will share with you all:
             -Eshay: Preppy bros.
             -Goona: Poo.  I know.......  I know.
             -Deadly: The action of being cool
             -Mozzy: Mosquito.
             -Maccas: McDonalds
             -Ranga: A person with red hair.

9) I guess my momma made a great impression on these Aussies.  They think she is really funny.  I don't know why people would think that, but they do.  Supposedly she is a legend.  And they are counting down the days until they get to talk to her again.  Weird.  I know.

10) I got to hold a baby kangroo.  Her name was Beyonce.  She is a survivor.  Hence the name.

Life here is definitely different but fun.  I am enjoying it.  I am laughing a lot and definitely learning a lot.    Life is way fun.  Talk to you soon my friends!

Ang (and the 4 Slabb boys and Robert)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Beautiful City of Sydney.

Hello All,

This week has been a blast.  Not only am I getting to know more of the staff here, I am seeing more than ever here in Sydney.  Today, I went into downtown Sydney and got to explore with some new friends.  It was a blast!

Sydney is huge but way fun.  We took a train that took an hour to get into downtown, where the Sydney Harbor is of course.  Here are a couple of photos from today.  :)

Angelina, Sierra, Laura and Me.  :)
Sydney Harbor Bridge
Sydney Opera House

It was fun to walk around all the different shops in the streets and see all the cool things you can buy.  I did buy some souvenirs which was awesome.  There were also tons of street performers and it was so awesome.  Had fun today and I loved it.  I am definitely going to go again.  Hopefully I will get to see some more cool things soon.  I will keep you updated.

On a different note, I have been learning a lot.  I've been learning about cultures and about life in general.  God is challenging me in so many ways and it is awesome.  Can't wait to see what else God reveals to me!  :)

Hope everyone is doing well and are enjoying their day!  See ya later!  


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hillsong 'n Stuff.

Hello everyone and anyone!

The Land of Oz is quite fun.  I will update you on what has been going on the past few days.

Hillsong.  Can I just say awesome?  It is crazy to finally put a face to the music.  And the speaker was awesome.  Full of passion and encouragement and so funny.  It was awesome to see everyone worship.  Everyone danced, jumped and sang.  And I mean everyone.

YWAM.  I have been having a great time here at the base with the staff and current students.  They all come from different places in the world and different walks of life, and yet they are all filled with one goal, to know God and to make God known to others.  They are all a fun bunch and I am just excited to get to know them more.

On a different note, I didn't experience jet lag the first 2 or 3 days I was here, but who knew that jet lag could catch up with you??  I sure didn't.  Let's just say sleepy time is a good time.

God is already showing me so many things and I have only been here 6 days.  CRAZY.  God is so faithful and powerful and I am just excited to learn and do so much more.

Life is good and the adventure is constantly going.  It is way fun, lemme tell ya.

Thanks for reading and I will catch up with you all later.  :)


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Olympic Stadium 'n Stuff.

So, yesterday we had Youth Street Team and we took 6 kids to Monster.  Monster is the largest indoor skate park in the southern hemisphere, or so I was told.  It was right next to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium and here is a picture of it.  It was awesome.

Here are some pictures from the skate park.  :)  Fun stuff!

Youth Street is an awesome ministry.  After our fun scootering it up in Downtown Sydney, we had dinner together and a pirate themed lesson.  The kids were awesome and I had a blast getting to hang out with them and practicing our different accents.  One thing, who knew that scooter riding was such a big deal?  Well, now I know.  It is a huge deal.

Tonight is hopefully going to Hillsong Church.  I am excited.  :)  See you all later!  Have a great day!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

G'Day Mate.

'Ello Mate,

After basically 24 hours of traveling I am here.  And still awake amazingly.  I had the most interesting flights.  Here, let me tell you about them.

Flight #1:  Austin to LA.  The couple next to me were obviously newlyweds and they were from Utah.  They were going to a friend's wedding.  And they supported the PDA movement.  I'll stop there.  By the way, it was a 3 1/2 hour flight I might add.

Flight #2: LA to Sydney.  I had to race to my next flight and came a tad late to the listing of boarding call numbers.  I asked the lady behind me (she was American) if they had called my seat number.  She said no, and right then, I saw her ticket and voi la.  We were sitting right next to each other.  It was both of our first times to Australia, and both super excited.  We hit it off instantly.  Made the flight fun and exciting and I made a traveling buddy.  Can I just say that Qantas flights are way cool?  Seriously, they are.  So, 15 hours later, while I am listening to Interpol (shout out to the roomie), my new friend and I are landing in Sydney, Australia.  Crazy.

So, I finally made it to the compound and picture this.  It is basically a dorm with a kitchen, prayer rooms, dance rooms, offices and community bathrooms.  I am totally in my league.  I am meeting lots of people and everyone has been so friendly to me.  I have been invited to have coffee in someone's room, helped cook and got to fully unpack.  LOVE it.  Also, some of the people go to Hillsong church on a regular basis.  Yeah.  Be jealous.

I have been here less than 12 hours and I am already loving it.  Can't wait to see what God does this summer (well technically winter, but you know what I mean).  It is so strange that I am the one with an accent.  Luckily there are two other girls who are from America, although, they have been living here for over 3 years but we can still count them.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this and supporting me on this grand adventure.  It means the world to me.  You're way cool.  It's that simple.

Hope you all are having a great night/day!! 


Monday, May 23, 2011

2 Days and Counting...

The suitcase is out and packing has begun.  Who knew a room could get so messy so quick?

I am getting so excited although pre-trip jitters have definitely kicked in.  I just need to take one thing a time.  Pack this giant suitcase, clean this room, hop on a plane.  Simple really.

Still can't believe this is happening!  So excited.  Thank you all who are praying and supporting me in this expedition I am about to embark on!  I couldn't do it without all of you.  So, kudos my friends and family.  You all are way cool.  :)

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

8 Days and Counting...

Howdy All,

I now have a visa, plane ticket (to and from), a passport, and someone to pick me up from the airport in Sydney.  I am giggly.  Seriously.  I am sitting here giggling and fist pumping.

Don't know if all this has fully hit me yet.  Packing is going to be a challenge, but hey, I love challenges.  So, bring it on suitcase!



Saturday, May 14, 2011

11 Days and Counting...

Hello everyone and anyone!

So, here is an update.  I know you have all been anticipating more news, so I will withhold from you no more.

School is out and I am on the home stretch to begin this crazy summer (or winter if you are in Australia).  Most of the funds have been raised, but I am still in need of a couple hundred dollars.  If you are willing and able, I would be oh so very appreciative if you could donate.

As for my trip, I will be hopping on a plane May 25th at 7:30pm and arrive in Sydney May 27th at 6:30am.  That is one long travel time, but hey.  I asked for an adventure, so I guess that is what I am going to get, right?  I talked to one of the staff there in Sydney, and they told me to pack for cold.  There is no central heating in the house I will be living in, so I am going to get real comfortable with the cold, that's for sure.

Here is a glimpse of what I will see in approximately 11 days.  This is becoming a reality.

Sydney, Australia

Let the fun begin.  :)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 Weeks and Counting

Hi all!  Angela here.  Life has been crazy and fun and tiring and simply every emotion in the book.  But I guess that's what college is all about, right?  School is going well and I am loving every minute of it.  I continually learn, not only in the class room, but about life in general.  It is way cool.

Now if only Australia would get here!  I am still raising funds and have only received $100 of the $2,700 that is needed for this trip to take place.  So, if you are willing and able, please join me in the opportunity of a lifetime to be a servant of God by sponsoring me for this trip.  I am still as giddy as ever thinking about this trip and what God is going to do and show me.  God is way too good and amazing, it's just crazy and awesome.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day and that the Spring weather is treating everyone well.  :)  


Monday, March 14, 2011

10 Weeks and Counting...

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome to my blog!  So, I have something exciting to tell you.  You might want to sit down because it is quite the news...  I am going to Australia!  Yes, it is true.  In approximately 10 weeks, I am getting on a plane and flying to Sydney for 10 weeks with Youth With a Mission (YWAM).  I am so excited.  I get to help them with their current ministries as well as work with the staff in Sydney.  It is an amazing opportunity for me to not only expand my world view, but see God work in a totally different culture.  I leave May 24th and I just can't wait.

I hope you are as excited as I am and keep up with my Aussie adventure please.  Thank you all for reading and praying for me.  You all are awesome.  :)
