Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 Weeks and Counting

Hi all!  Angela here.  Life has been crazy and fun and tiring and simply every emotion in the book.  But I guess that's what college is all about, right?  School is going well and I am loving every minute of it.  I continually learn, not only in the class room, but about life in general.  It is way cool.

Now if only Australia would get here!  I am still raising funds and have only received $100 of the $2,700 that is needed for this trip to take place.  So, if you are willing and able, please join me in the opportunity of a lifetime to be a servant of God by sponsoring me for this trip.  I am still as giddy as ever thinking about this trip and what God is going to do and show me.  God is way too good and amazing, it's just crazy and awesome.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day and that the Spring weather is treating everyone well.  :)  
